We have worked with global travel insurance provider Cover-More Group since October 2020. We provide a wide range of services to this client, which keeps our team constantly in touch with the trends and economics of the Australian travel industry.
We have worked on key projects such as employee attraction campaigns and new corporate website projects. We also provide regular monthly services for the company’s global operations, which include:
- Blog writing and content creation
- Media strategy
- Media management
- Media releases / media holding statements
- Media training
- Issues and crisis management planning and response
- Communications strategy
- Corporate communications
- Executive profile research and advisory
- Copywriting – speeches, OpEds, presentations
- Speaker profiles and securing speaking engagements
- Key messages and Q&A, factsheets
- Corporate capability statement
- Award submissions

We assisted with the announcement of Cover-More’s new interim global CEO in 2020, and soon after we oversaw crisis communications when travel was brought to a stop in Australia. Operating in 15 countries, Cover-More had a particularly tough period during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taking the next steps as travel resumed was key. We had stories and infographics pre-prepared and interview subjects ready to go. We carefully monitored media so that when Qantas and the Prime Minister made early morning announcements, we moved rapidly to target key journalists and outlets.