A blog on why you need a blog

By Erin Long

If you are new to marketing your business, you may think that having a standard website with information pages is enough.

But a website alone doesn’t always offer enough information, personality, or authority to truly stand out from the crowd.

The truth is your business needs an up-to-date, informative blog that demonstrates your industry knowledge and expertise and keeps prospective customers coming to your website.

Blogging, which was once looked at as a hobby, has become a valuable tool that businesses are using to directly grow their bottom line.

Blogs, if done well, generate organic traffic that flows into qualified leads that convert to customers.

Provide useful and engaging content

If you want to increase your online presence, a blog can be a powerful way to advertise and highlight your company’s unique niche, services, and products.

Think of your blog as your direct communication channel. It’s a space to talk in depth about your products and services, share timely content, and comment on relevant industry trends in a way that lets your brand personality shine.

Think about readers’ needs rather than your own. Find out your audience’s pain points and address them in a knowledgeable and friendly way.

It’s also important to ensure your blog is readable and easy to navigate for better search engine optimisation, which means your blog will appear higher on results pages for search engines such as Google or Bing.

Build brand recognition

The best blogs are both interesting and informative. They also have enough information to support your business and show your target audience what you’re all about.

The readers of your blog are creating awareness of your company and increasing your brand recognition in a natural, organic way that boosts your credibility without any inauthentic efforts or huge spending on your end.

Start a conversation

Another reason a blog is so powerful is it creates a two-way conversation with customers, leads and industry peers.

With a more relatable tone and an interactive platform, you can encourage feedback and discussion in the comment sections of your blogs.

Having in-depth conversations with your customers is a great way to build trust and authority in your brand. Plus, it allows you to examine your business from your audience’s point of view and make changes to improve your services.

Increase your social media exposure

Blogging is a simple way to get discovered via social media. Every time you write a blog post, you’re creating content that people can easily share on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other channels. This helps expose your company to audiences you might not even know yet.

On the other hand, blog content helps fuel your social media output. Instead of trying to pull new social media content ideas out of a hat, you can simply promote and link recent and relevant blog posts. You’re simultaneously strengthening your social media presence and bringing in new visitors. It’s a win-win.

Have you been missing out on the benefits of having your own blog? Contact us today to learn how we can help get your business noticed through blogging and content marketing.

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