Personal brand essentials for scaleup leaders

If you are a leader or founder for a scaleup, you are probably seeking customer growth, strategic partnerships and/or investment.

In all cases, you need a personal brand that showcases your credibility and expertise.

In this webinar we ask: “If I Google you, what will I find?” and provide you with an understanding of why this question is so important as you scale your business.

We will provide you with tips for improving your personal LinkedIn channel, as well as other ways to build your reputation in front of targeted audiences.

Register today!

Who is it for: Scaleup founders, senior leaders or their marketing/comms team members

Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm

Date: Thursday 3 October, 2024

Cost: Free

Link: Register here, and we’ll email a link to join via Teams

Can’t make it? No worries! Register today and we will send you a complimentary recording of the session.

Work with us

We are here to help you take ownership of your professional brand and provide you with the tools to control your narrative.

If you’re ready to elevate your executive profile to new heights, we’re here to help. Contact us for an initial discussion.