Marketing Strategy Workshops

Turning ideas into bankable solutions.

The first step in elevating your brand

Our marketing strategy workshops are anchored in a deep dive into your business, where we sit down with key leaders to explore your brand, your culture, your people, your operations and your short- and long-term objectives. This allows us to create a tailored approach to marketing and communications that closely aligns to how and where you want to take the business moving forward.

It allows us to identify and assess current activity – and then explore future opportunities – in key focus areas such as social media strategy, crisis communications and tentpole campaigns.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your businesses’ reputation, amplify brand awareness, attract and retain customers and clients – or all of the above – a workshop is the first step to create bankable solutions that deliver results.

What to expect from our marketing strategy workshops?

Designed to be anything but boring, our workshops are fun, interactive and engaging, with plenty of opportunities to brainstorm and collaborate. The end goal is to identify key brand hooks, potential marketing campaigns, PR tentpoles, new partnerships and opportunities.

BUT, before we get creative, there’s one thing we always do first. And that’s LISTEN. Because that’s how we ensure our plans and approaches align with your objectives and goals.

We explore what you need by asking a lot of questions about your business, your past marketing activities, what worked and didn’t, your brand and your products, your customers, and your competitors. This helps us to flesh out a picture of you.

Next, we review your business plan, current strategies and goals. We audit your existing marketing and communications processes, suggesting areas for improvement.

We also review your marketing, PR and media activities to better understand your brand, your position in the market and the support you may need to leverage it.  We also dig deep into your internal communication processes to help us understand your team. This allows us to recommend the right communications strategies to help ensure internal buy-in.

Finally, we review your key deliverables, undertake a strategic competitor analysis and explore the current industry landscape, challenges, milestones and stakeholders as the final picture in understanding the space you work in.

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Your roadmap to success

Every business is unique, and so is every marketing and communications strategy. That’s why our workshops are all about customisation. The deep dive we do during your workshop helps us to develop a strategy that’s uniquely tailored to your specific goals, needs, and budget.

At the end of the day, our goal is simple: to create bankable strategies that deliver strong solutions.

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It all starts here! Book your marketing strategy workshops